“ "Lowe combines interviews, historical facts and her own family’s ties to both the city and the era into a tight, hessian weave." Globe & Mail
"Lowe combines interviews, historical facts and her own family’s ties to both the city and the era into a tight, hessian weave."
“ "Lowe’s penchant for details borders on the fanatical." Globe & Mail
"Lowe’s penchant for details borders on the fanatical."
“ "The Volunteers feels more like pulsing oral history than a stale record of the past." Globe & Mail
"The Volunteers feels more like pulsing oral history than a stale record of the past."
Background image: Women’s Voluntary Services placement record, Halifax Municipal Archives
“ “A frank, political, and wide-ranging exploration.” Publishers Weekly
“A frank, political, and wide-ranging exploration.”
“ "A book that should be read by policymakers in every city." Real Change News Seattle
"A book that should be read by policymakers in every city."